Office Therapy - Can't Lock File error
Reference Number: AA-00285 Views: 8483 Created: 02-16-2012 09:32 am Last Updated: 06-28-2018 02:49 pm 0 Rating/ Voters
Applies to: Office Therapy Standard, V7.59 and earlier

When entering numerous transactions (charges and payments), an error will occur stating 'Can't Lock File'. This is followed by another error causing the application to close or requiring the user to close the application.

The cause of this problem appears to be the number of available locks when reading from and updating the database. Each time there is a transaction reading from the database of updating it, records in the database are locked to handle potential conflicts if other users are trying to access those records. Normally, the locks are released when there is no activity. However, if there is no inactivity, the locks build and reach their defined limit.

The default limit of maximum locks is normally set to 9500 in the Windows Registry. This value can be increased to prevent or reduce the occurance of this issue.

You can contact DocuTrac Technical Support to make this change for you.

If you decide to make this registry change yourself, it is highly advisable to make a backup of the registry. The Registry Editor is an advanced tool for viewing and changing settings in your system registry, which contains information about how your computer runs. Follow the instructions in this document carefully. Incorrectly editing the registry may damage your system.

To change the setting, open the Windows Registry by clicking the Windows Start button and entering regedit.exe, and clicking it to run it.

  1. Select Find from the Edit menu.
  2. Enter MaxLocksPerFile and click Find Next
  3. Locate the registry key for MaxLocksPerFile for Jet 3.x
  4. Select the Key and double-click to modify it
  5. Change the type from hexidecimal to decimal
  6. Enter 20000 and click Ok
  7. Select File...Exit to close the Registry

You can increase the value if you find that you are still receiving the error. You can try to increase it in increments of 10000.


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