Office Therapy - Errors in loop 2300 DTP-03 segment
Reference Number: AA-00319 Views: 17913 Created: 10-22-2012 11:21 am Last Updated: 06-28-2018 03:42 pm 0 Rating/ Voters

Errors in loop 2300, DTP-03 segment


This segment is not commonly used unless there is a special circumstance and the payer is requesting this information to be sent. The most common culprit is that one of these 5 boxes contains invalid data.


You should contact your clearinghouse to determine what information they need (or what may need to be removed).


There are 5 possible causes to this rejection:


1. If a Referring Physician is present in the HCFA Details screen (Box 17), the Last Seen Date box either contains invalid data or is empty.

2. HCFA Details Screen, Box 14 Date of Current Illness contains invalid data.

3. If Box 10 “Is Patient’s Condition Related to:” is used, you must specify a date in box 14.

4. The Client Hospitalization To dates contain invalid data.

5. The Client Hospitalization From dates contain invalid data.


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