Office Therapy - Preparing for ICD-10 with Office Therapy
Reference Number: AA-00388 Views: 10594 Created: 09-24-2015 01:56 pm Last Updated: 06-29-2018 02:30 pm 100 Rating/ 2 Voters

Preparing for ICD-10 with Office Therapy


Beginning October 1st, 2015, all claims with a Date of Service of October 1st or later must be submitted using ICD-10 diagnosis codes.


Here is what you will need to do:

1. You must be running Office Therapy version 11.6.1 or higher to file claims using ICD-10.

- Visit our Product Updates webpage to obtain a download link for the update. You must contact our Sales office for the installation password; this requires that you are current on maintenance. Product updates link: - Sales may be reached by phone at 800-850-8510.


2. You must update your clients so that an ICD-10 code is assigned.

- For more information on assigning ICD-10 codes, visit this article:


3. You must be using Claims Manager to process your claims. The “File Insurance (4010)” wizard does not support ICD-10.

- If you need assistance learning Claims Manager, please view our Claims Manager Training Video here:


Once the above conditions are met, please read this article that covers how to file your claims using ICD-10 codes:

To help illustrate ICD-10 assignment and filing, we have prepared a video which you may view by clicking this link:

FAQs after updating to version 11.6.1:

Q: How can I tell if a charge is ICD-10 compatible?

A: Open up the charge within the ledger and go to the "HCFA Details" tab. If there is a block of 12 Diagnosis Pointers, this charge is ICD-10 compatible. If you are viewing charges in Claims Manager, ICD-10 charges will have the "ICD9/10" box checked with a check mark. (Note that you cannot change this check box in Claims Manager).

Q: I have sent claims with "ICD10" selected under the "ICD" tab, but the claims have ICD-9 codes being sent with the ICD-10 indicator, and the claims were rejected.
A: Only claims that have the "ICD9/10" box CHECKED can be sent as ICD-10 claims (this is the check box on the far right in "List of charges ready to be filed"). De-select any charges that are not ICD-10 and process those as ICD-9, or if the DOS is 10/1 or later, convert the charges to ICD-10 charges by deleting and re-entering the charge in the clients ledger.

Q: I cannot change or check the "ICD9/10" check box (in the far right column of "List of charges ready to be filed")
A: This check box is read-only. It is meant to be a visual indicator to see if the charge can be processed as an ICD-10 claim. Only ICD-10 compatible charges will have a check mark in this box. If there is no check mark, you must delete and re-enter the Charge from the clients ledger to convert it to ICD-10.

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