Office Therapy - Grouping Column Headers in Claims Manager
Reference Number: AA-00452 Views: 7644 Created: 07-12-2018 03:35 pm Last Updated: 07-25-2018 10:55 am 0 Rating/ Voters

Grouping Column Headers

Right click on any Column header and click on ‘Show Group By Box.’

Make sure that the ‘Drag a column header here to group by that column’ message box appears.

Drag and drop the Column Header into the ‘group box’.  You can group multiple Column Headers.

The below example shows the queue being grouped by Claim Type.

To ungroup a Column (if multiple are selected):

Right click on the ‘column header’ that you want to remove and select ‘UnGroup’

To revert grouping back to default view:

Right click in the ‘group box’ and select Clear Grouping’

It will revert back to the defaulted view

To hide the group box:

Right click in the ‘group box’ and select ‘Hide Group By Box’

If Group Box was accidentally hidden:

Right click on any Column header and click on ‘Show Group By Box.’

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