Office Therapy - Missing diagnosis code message in Claims Manager
Reference Number: AA-00438 Views: 8184 Created: 05-29-2018 03:29 pm Last Updated: 07-03-2018 02:25 pm 0 Rating/ Voters

If an error message that states Missing ICD Diagnosis pointer or codes  appears when trying to process a claim in Claims Manager.  Make sure to retrieve the patient(s) name before closing out of the error.  Also, in the claim queue list, make note of all the date of services.  Close out of Claims Manager before proceeding with the below.

Sometimes going to the patient ledger and opening the charge will resolve the error message.  If there is already a diagnosis code setup for the patient, please see step 6.

1.       Open the Patient’s Charge for the date of service that was being processed in Claims Manager but failed to see if a diagnosis is set.

2.       Go to Patient’s Setup then click on Diagnosis.  Then click Add.

3.       Under the Diagnosis Date Range, make sure the diagnosis begins and ends date is within the time frame of the charge. Reset the date if need be. Click Next.

4.       Fill out the ICD-10 or click on ellipses to search for the ICD code.  Click Finish.

5.       Click Ok on Patient’s setup.

6.       Go back to the Patient’s ledger, open up the charge.  Complete filling out the charge if need be and make sure a diagnosis is set. Click Ok.  Reprocess the claim.

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